A Day with Daddy

It’s Saturday.

Just me and dad.

First, we go to the zoo.

He lets me sit on his shoulders as we feed the ducks.

Then, we see a movie.

I sit on his lap as we share a whole bag of popcorn.

As we start the car, I hear those familiar words playing through the speaker.

“It’s a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight. So I guess I’m doin’ alright.”

We sing loudly as we drive.

Errands and Grocery shopping.

Lunch time!

Chicken nuggets and fries, and don’t forget ice cream.

Then we go to the library to look at the fish.

Dad chases me up the ramp as we look for a book.

Head home.

Time for a nap.

Afterward, we play with Play-doh.

We play cars.

We wrestle.

We get our pajamas on.

We read a book.

Dad squeezes me tight before gently laying me down and kissing my face.

As I drift off to sleep, I think of him.

I love my daddy!